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How to Keep fitness track on a vacation

Wednesday 12 June 2019 /

Summers  is in full swing here  , which only means one thing - Its freaking sweaty and hot. I am Planning a few trips to beat the heat with only one set back every time . How to stay fit when on a holiday ?
Every holiday comes with its own set of Pros and Cons ! For me it always throws in a monkey wrench on my fitness program. Before going on a vacation the focus is always on being in the best of shape, but post that it shifts on to losing the weight !!
This time around, I made sure that I at least maintain my months of hard work, so that there is  no baggage of any regretted pounds and it Worked !!! Wanna know How ? Here are a few pointers :

•  Packing workout clothes(it derives motivation and keeps you accountable to do justice to what you pack ).If your hotel/ resort has a gym, then half the battle is over, what you only need is a bit of determination, n will power(in my case it means getting up early  ).
 If it doesn't have one ,engage in activities like Swimming, playing a sport, or Cycling. I made it a point , that I regularly do my swimming laps !

• Go hiking- I remember my trip to Chennai , wherein when I had to choose best stay options near Chennai  I made sure the  resort had beautiful hiking spots . I remember that the hotel we chose had rubber plantations spread around 1000 acres, perfect to hike and I already had a hiking mission in my mind when I planned my itinerary so this was totally on the agenda . I decided to explore it one day, and god knows how many times the step watcher app on my phone beeped !! It was sort of congratulating me on every 10,000 step(my daily target). End result- I had to call a resort car to take me back. It OVERWORKED.

• Count that Calorie - I always made it a point to start every meal with lots of salad and soup And was shameless enough to finish the salad spread for 15 people all alone one day …. lol. But u need not go that overboard. The idea is to half fill the tummy with low calorie intake, so that you save only half your appetite to explore unhealthy options - hell Yeah -It worked

• Convert-Waiting at the Airport to Walking at the Airport, browse the shops, keep moving while you can, coz you will be glued to your seat in the craft .Your walking Mate App will prove how much calories these airport walking burns !!

• Pack a light and healthy snack from home or resort for the airport and flight so you don’t end up with a can of Pringles or Pizza and regret it later.There is a word called moderation.

• Sit back and Relax-Don’t spend so much time stressing about staying healthy on vacation, that you can’t enjoy where you are. When your mindset is healthy, your choices will follow. Stay active as much as possible so that it’s okay if you have a couple extra cheat meals.
In the End Work hard and play even harder :) Hope this post was insightful !
Signing off with a few vacation pictures of my own .

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