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The New Whisper Ultra Soft is 2x times softer

Monday 20 March 2017 / ,

Today's post is about a little period talk and how choosing the right sanitary pad is tricky. With all the sanitary care products on the drugstore shelf, how do we know which is the right one for me ?

When it comes to choosing the right pad, the first and the primary most thing I look for is comfort. 
With a busy lifestyle, and being an influencer on the side, I am constantly on the run. I am a woman who multitask, yes that's right, and turns out it's twice more than a normal 9-5 job we are looking at. From addressing the family in the morning to working on my husband's projects to taking care of the house and then attending random events all throughout the week is what my glorious life is all about. Then comes those 5 days of the week . Luckily my periods don't last me more than 3 days but I am sure for most of you it does, and kinda slows down our day to day life . 
I was introduced to whisper in my school days, when I just randomly took my friends word who said she uses Whisper for periods . It was when I discovered that Pads need not be diaper sized.
There are products that have that ability to ensure that your monthly days are well taken care of right from the day they start to the day that they will end and Whisper is one of them.

Recently I came across this video where I got to know about the new Whisper Ultrasoft, which is 2X times softer than other pads. The tone of the video makes it clear that no woman likes to be reminded that she is on her period every second of the day and we all hate it when pads bunch upwards. Luckily with the new whisper ultrasoft , we don't have to face any of this .
My general physical activity is Running , sweating etc and all this doesn't work for the pad well. But this was not the case with Whisper ultrasoft 2X. The best feature of this would be that it doesn't shift around as I move with intensity.
The new Whisper Ultra soft comes in pretty pink packaging inside with an appealing outer. Each pad is individually folded in a manner which is effortless to open and to dispose.The thin size of the pads can be easily slipped or buried in those secret compartments of our bag.

The pads provides unmatched comfort because it has been designed for fast absorption plus the shape has been perfected (longer length and wider back ) for faster absorption .
The super soft feature is a blessing for people who have sensitive skin like me and there is always a feeling of discomfort in certain positions. Safe to say , I can look forward to more worry free sleeps with the 2x soft phenomena which is also breathable. 

Final Verdict - Whisper ultrasoft 2x is lightweight, absorbs well and keeps me dry for longer hours .
Although I change the pads three times a day, and this one adjusts well and stays intact even with tight pants. 
I finally no longer have to worry or change my sleeping posture again and again because I feel that I can sleep in the position I am most comfortable in with these ones.

The New Whisper Ultra Soft (pack of 7 pads) priced at Rs. 64 is now available in all leading stores